Rivers are magical. Rivers inspire adventure, strengthen a community, create lasting friendship and inspire love. It was a connection and admiration of rivers that sparked a friendship, a river trip that inspired a relationship and five years later the planning of the most wonderful trip of them all – a wedding.
My husband and I were recently married during a week longer Stillwater/Cataract Canyon trip in which we were able to share our most special day with the people and the rivers that have shaped our souls. The ‘W’ was roaring as we pulled up to the beach, we unpacked in a sand storm and began the the most exfoliating game of bocce ever played. As the sun set, the air calmed as if the canyon approved of our union and we said I do. We like to think of the day as a reminder that we can weather any storm as long as we have each other and our amazing community by our side. Rivers truly are love.