Toddler rafting with George

Emily Kay | South Fork of the American

We took 3 rafts, with 7 families comprising of 7 kids ages 15 months to 5 years old, on a short stretch of the South Fork of the American River. The stretch was mild, but splashy enough to keep the kids (and adults) happy. Unfortunately we got a late start that day, and our put-in time overlapped with nap-time. There were tears, pull overs for breastfeeding, pacifiers…but also giggles, smiles and excitement. It was a beautiful trip, with almost all the kids falling asleep in someones arms by the time we got to take-out. The best part was watching our President George raft with his grand-daughter Olivia, who appeared to love every moment of the trip. It was really special to have so many O.A.R.S. families participate. Our kids are all “seasoned” rafters now, with many trips to come!

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